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Unlabelling Kitchens – Free Webinar
Sunday 24th July 2016
online, Online Events

Labels with preservatives, chemicals, additives, artificial ingredients and more, have seeped into our kitchens. The components then enter our bodies through food and cause havoc!
These unwanted substances, hormone disruptors, result in  hormonal issues like hypothyroid, PCOD, Diabetes, infertility that are seen everywhere today, even in our youth. Childhood obesity is another result.
It’s time we tackle the source, rather than treat the symptoms. Discover why and how you can easily Un-label your Kitchen in a free webinar with SHARAN Associate Reyna Rupani. After experiencing the benefits of dietary changes, Reyna shares her secrets with everyone! She has lost 17 kilos in a period of 8 months, feels much more energetic and has experienced a sense of calmness too. Yes that’s the power of food!
Join her with your spouse and children on Sunday, 24th July, 2016 from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm IST