
Milk – Myths and Facts

March 29, 2021

Click here for Milk – Myths and Facts

Rosemary Parambi discovered a connection between plastic and her health issues

July 2, 2020

My love affair with plastic began when I was living abroad, where I purchased so-called ‘best’ and ‘safe’ brands. All those boxes were so convenient! They were recyclable too, which gave me the illusion that I was being a responsible inhabitant of planet Earth! Being a very busy mom, I often used to buy a […]

Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, June 2019

June 4, 2019

Day 21: Watch all the facilitators of this program describe the highlights of this particular SHARAN 21-Day Health Retreat. The final salad follows.  Day 20: One of the highlights of this program was the salad bar which is actually like looking in your fridge and putting things together in an exciting way. A bit […]

Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, September 2018

September 4, 2018

Day 21 – 22nd Sept 2018 The final day was bittersweet. So many of us have lost kilos and inches and medicines too. Many were able to stop medicines in this short a time that we never expected that they would – like medicines for thyroid or rheumatoid arthritis which usually takes a bit longer. And […]

Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, June 2018

June 4, 2018

Day 21: 23rd June 2018 The ‘F’s of the 21 Day Health Retreat! Day 20: 22nd June 2018 Yes! We too can cook Healthy? Day 19: 21st June 2018 Attitude of gratitude Day 18: 20th June 2018 What a guest! Day 17: 19th June 2018 Juice Feasting? Day 16: 18th June 2018 The Teenage Special […]

Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days

November 20, 2017

Dr Nandita Shah’s new book Reversing Diabetes in 21 Days aptly releases today – The World Diabetes Day. This is yet another step in SHARAN’s mission of a Diabetes-Free India Buy Now. or check out our other books at publication section.

Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, June 2017.

June 5, 2017

Day 21: 24.6.2017 Our final day was marked with final consultations, a special dinner and an award ceremony at night. We feel like we are one big family and its difficult to say goodbye. Well, we all say hello to a new beginning. Day 20: 23.6.2017 Towards the end of the 21 day Health Retreat […]

Dr Nandita Shah receives the Nari Shakti Puraskar 2016

March 23, 2017

Dr Nandita Shah received the Nari Shakti Award 2016 from the honorable President of India on March 8th 2017 International Women’s Day

Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, Sept 2016.

September 13, 2016

I have been writing reports for all our Sept 21 day Health Retreat participants who are now travelling or back home. I am so impressed how some of them have managed, some with travels, others in families that may have been eating in other ways. They are meeting, greeting, sharing. The maximum weight loss was […]

Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, June 2016.

June 2, 2016

Thanks to new learnings every year during the 21 day program, the success of each program seems to be even higher than the past. In this year’s program we had 33 participants with a variety of diseases, from type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, hypothyroid, back aches and joint pains, osteoarthritis, indigestion, snoring, low energy, […]