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Free Talk on Diabetes Prevention & Reversal
Saturday 3rd September 2016
Mount Litera School International, GN Block, Behind Asian Heart Hospital, Near UTI Building, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai

Free introductory event on diabetes prevention
Time: 4 pm – 6 pm
Presenters: Physicians Committee’s Program Specialist Dr. Zeeshan Ali, SHARAN’s founder and director, Dr. Nandita Shah, Freedom from Diabetes founder and director, Dr. Pramod Tripathi, and Dr. Rashmi Menon, SHARAN. Renowned chef Mayavi Khandelwal, SHARAN will do a cooking demo for the audience.
Free admission, but registration is required.
Delicious, plant-based food samples will be served by My Pure Path.
Click here to enroll yourself.
Shreya Singhania 9820947564
Anney Verghese 9930752967
Organizations: PCRM, SHARAN, Freedom from Diabetes.