Discover the surprising benefits of eating fruits right here

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

When I was a child, I did not savour fruit. I am not sure why. Perhaps it was because sugar, which is addictive, was easily available and this made fruits less attractive.

Today, I cannot imagine starting my day without fruit. I love my morning green smoothie and often have nothing besides my breakfast of fruits and green smoothie till lunchtime. Sometimes my dinner is fruit too. I now realise that fruit is God’s fast food, available easily almost everywhere. It makes it easier to stick to eating a whole plant-based diet even when I am travelling.

Did you know that a fruit tree produces more food per area of land than any other food crop? This means growing more fruit trees could save land and water and give us the maximum nutrition per bite. Fruits help us heal while helping to heal the planet! No processing is required. Fruits are ready-to-eat foods.

Looking for a health retreat that seems more like a holiday? Then join us this September at our 21-Day Health Retreat. You will have the perfect opportunity to heal, recharge and embrace holistic health and wellness. For details, click here


Fruits Are Our Best Friends!

After switching to a plant-based lifestyle, one gradually and naturally gravitates towards having more raw foods, including salads and fruits. In fact, most of our team members, including Dr Nandita Shah herself, love to eat raw. Some even go on regular fruit fasts and some have only fruits as meals. And they all love it!

Our cooking expert Shashi Rungta shares “I’m eating more fruits and salads and less cooked grains. In fact, now I really don’t feel like having cooked food and I’m feeling fantastic. Fruits have increased my energy levels and I’m really happy!”

Our nutritionist Madhura Vayal shares that though she lost 27 kilos of weight and overcame other severe illnesses after turning WFPB, she still encountered occasional health issues. “During a rare relapse in 2018, I re-evaluated my food choices. I realised there wasn’t adequate raw food in my meals. I then started eating more fruits, as they required minimal preparation and could be enjoyed as a standalone snack. Their natural packaging, delightful sweetness, instant gratification, and widespread availability made fruits my go-to option. And the results have been remarkable!” She has experienced improved muscle tone and a sense of lightness.

Two of our facilitators Rose Pinto and Sharanya Abishek are in fact on a total fruit diet for months. Sharanya’s autoimmune condition healed considerably with the WFPB diet and some of the residual side-effects vanished after being on a fruit-only diet. “I had been suffering from several pains in my body for the last 4.5 years. I found it very difficult to even get up from a chair or to walk. Within 3 months of being on this beautiful fruitarian journey, most of my pains have vanished. My iron and calcium levels have skyrocketed!” She also shares how she had a fracture and didn’t even take any calcium supplements. “Fruits have fixed my bones too!  And I am absolutely sure that I am in the process of reversing the autoimmune condition completely.”

Rose declares “Life has become so simple. My hair has become thicker and softer. It’s much easier to get up early in the morning and the bloating I used to have due to overeating has gone!”

Furthermore, everyone attests to their cravings vanishing, having improved sleep and a sense of calm accompanied by mental clarity.

Banana Secret ‘Ice Cream’  

This is the healthiest ice cream in the world! Made in minutes and can be had without any guilt. Do give this a shot – it’s sure to become everyone’s favourite


  • 4 (or more) ripe bananas
  • Cinnamon
  • Walnuts


Place peeled halved bananas in a box in the freezer. After 2 days or more, take them out and blend in a blender or food processor until you get a smooth, creamy ice cream.

Add some cinnamon and walnuts for an extra punch. Serve immediately as soon as it is made.


Garnish with berries, raisins or chopped fruit of your choice.

Replace the cinnamon and walnuts with zest of  ¼ of an orange and 1 tbsp grated ginger.

Replace cinnamon with vanilla extract or vanilla powder for vanilla ice cream.

Add frozen berries (strawberries /raspberries/blueberries…) to the frozen bananas to get a berry ice cream. Omit the cinnamon and walnuts.

Add frozen chopped ripe mango or jackfruit to get a fruit ice cream. Omit cinnamon and walnuts.

Add cocoa powder to get chocolate ice cream. Cinnamon and walnuts optional.

Serves 4

Food For The Mind


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Have a Fruit Fiesta Every Day!

Fruits are nature’s desserts and their benefits are innumerable! Rich in vitamins and minerals, these magic foods ensure the proper functioning of the body. Fruit fibres make sure that the sugars don’t cause us harm, and even improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Fruits are energy boosters, immunity builders, help in hydration and weight loss, fight skin disorders and even promote hair growth.

Some fruity titbits worth knowing…

1. Fruits are best consumed raw

Any process or cooking diminishes the benefits.

2. The peels matter

They are rich in antioxidants, rough dietary fibres and of course vitamins and minerals. In some cases, the peels are much more nutritious than the inside of the fruit!

3. Eat only organic fruits

Most people feel that peeling fruits reduces their chemical content. However, pesticides can penetrate to the very core of the fruit, so best is to buy organic.

4. Fruit should be eaten alone or with green leaves only

This is important as fruit eaten alone or combined with other fruits helps the body to absorb all its goodness. However, when combined with other foods (except green leaves) or had after a meal, the fruit ferments in the stomach leading to acidity and digestive issues.

5. Don’t mix melons with other fruits

Melons should be eaten separately. Mix melons with other melons, but not with other fruits like apples, bananas, oranges etc.

6. Eat the fruit whole

Juicing removes fibre, a vital ingredient in the fruit.

7. Everyone can eat bananas, even diabetics

We are primates! Bananas are great, even if we are looking for weight loss or have diabetes!

8. Dry fruits are good too

Figs, dates, apricots and raisins come with their share of benefits and are good to use as replacements wherever sugar is required.

9. Best time to have fruits

The whole day, on an empty stomach! But do make sure you start with some in the morning, as it helps to detoxify the body. Also buying them organic ensures that you eat according to season.

10. Store fruits at a moderate temperature

A very hot or very cold storage place will reduce their shelf life.

11. Fruits are the best gifting options

Gift fruits instead of foods that cause harm and products which only clutter.

12. Keep them visible and handy

They are the best snacks and are convenient to eat when hungry.

13. Carry fruits when on the road

Make it a habit to carry fruits when you are going to be out of the house for a long time.

This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Edited by Seema Nayak, who has benefitted a great deal by going on a whole food plant-based diet.

Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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