Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, June 2018

June 4, 2018

Day 21: 23rd June 2018

The ‘F’s of the 21 Day Health Retreat!

Day 20: 22nd June 2018

Yes! We too can cook Healthy?

Day 19: 21st June 2018

Attitude of gratitude

Day 18: 20th June 2018

What a guest!

Day 17: 19th June 2018

Juice Feasting?

Day 16: 18th June 2018

The Teenage Special

Day 15: 17th June 2018

Eco-friendly and how?!

Day 14: 16th June 2018

“Rapid Health Round 2!”

Day 13: 15th June 2018

‘I’ll make sure that you feel like the absolute best’

Day 12: 14th June 2018

“I think you cannot put a price to your health”

Day 11: 13th June 2018

Superb Miracle Formula

Day 10: 12th June 2018

“Birthday Surprise!

And a gift for you too?”

Day 9: 11th June 2018

We have completed the first week of our program and our accomplishments are many. Amidst the nature walks, the yoga, the swimming classes, the aqua aerobics, the cooking classes, the fabulous buffet meals, the learning, the meditation and the rests in our beautiful cottages, we are already seeing results.

Here is a summary of the feedback received yesterday from 31 participants at the beginning of the 2nd week. No direct questions were asked so similar responses have been clubbed together


Physical Improvements
Energy increased (despite no tea and coffee) – 20
Feeling lighter – 10
Weight loss – 9
Increased strength and stamina – 5
Increased flexibility (several have joint issues) – 4
Face cleared – 2

Mental improvements
Greater connection with oneself and nature – 22
Calm / mental peace – 20
Fears gone / more confidence – 14
Stretched beyond limits (in swimming/ walking / climbing /waking up early) 8
Greater concentration / determination – 4
More open in communication – 3

Habit improvements
Exercising more – 16
Sleeping early, waking up early – 15
Eating / cooking – 14
Smoking stopped – 2

(it was interesting that though we have stopped all the tea and coffee, it seems so far away that not many mentioned it)

“Wow! Mouthwatering!”

Day 8: 10th June 2018

“Insulin levels have fantastically reduced!”

“I’m already off my blood pressure tablets and cholesterol medicine well”

Day 7: 9th June 2018

“Rapid Health Round!”

Day 6: 8th June 2018

“He makes exercise so simple”

Day 5: 7th June 2018

“I felt my body was a temple”

Day 4: 6th June 2018

“I’ve never danced in my life”

Day 3: 5th June 2018


Day 2: 4th June 2018

Day 1: 3rd June 2018

Move over Koffee with Karan….check out Smoothie with SHARAN ?
Catch a glimpse of our Health Retreat along with a new smoothie recipe and tip each day!

Today I’m excited because we are starting our 9th 21- Day Health Retreat at SwaSwara. We have a full house, with people from India, UAE, UK and Dubai. I did a quick analysis to understand what kind of complaints people want to get rid of this time. I’m happy to say that we have several participants who don’t have any major complaint. They have just joined because they want to know how to prevent the lifestyle illnesses that are happening to those around them. They even want to help other people get better.





And for those who have come to take charge of their health, there are 14 people with high blood pressure and heart disease, 13 with diabetes, 7 each with high cholesterol and joint complaints, six with hypothyroid, 4 with spondylosis, 3 each of osteoporosis, PCOD, fatigue, skin complaints, 2 each of auto immune diseases, enlarged prostate, Parkinsons, glaucoma, digestive problems, gout, liver complaints, allergies, hyperparathyroidism, chronic kidney disease, and then of course there are variety of other complaints too.

We are suffering from so many diseases today! With SHARAN lifestyle most of these can be prevented and reversed. A 21-Day Health Retreat is not required for this. Our Retreat is just a lovely holiday, and the bonus – getting rid of many of these problems and medicines on the spot. But anyone can do it even without attending the retreat through our events and cooking classes, consultations, publications, and our online programs. We’ve even put up so much information on our website, so that anyone can get started for free. While we’ll be sharing with you excerpts from a 21 day program, don’t miss the chance to get on the bandwagon too, so that you may never need to be on medications. And in case you are already taking them, you can be free of them too.