Dr Nandita Shah’s Blog from the 21 Day Program, June 2019

June 4, 2019

Day 21:

Watch all the facilitators of this program describe the highlights of this particular SHARAN 21-Day Health Retreat. The final salad follows.

Day 20:

One of the highlights of this program was the salad bar which is actually like looking in your fridge and putting things together in an exciting way. A bit like a health bhel. Enjoy the salad!

Day 19:

Capt Joseph Pinto shares tips on how to switch to health. Wisdom is doing it!

Day 18:

Madhura Vayal shares about the amazing progress at SwaSwara and how she learnt to say ‘No’ to all the invitations in our culture of disease. A salad recipe follows.

Day 17:

Tehseen Mehdi Dudani talks about stress – one of the biggest causes of disease. She also talks about how a plant based diet reduces stress. Remember, its not the load that you hold, its the way that you carry it. A salad recipe follows.

Day 16:

Ruchi Singh talks about the salads that we are enjoying here at SwaSwara. We also have movies every evening and Peaceful Warrior is one of those special ones. SwaSwara is a beautiful eco resort and you will hear about the eco features that we see here too. As usual a salad recipe follows.

Day 15:

All about the swimming classes at our 21-Day Health Retreat, thanks to Capt Joseph Pinto. Salad is the best medicine. Another fabulous salad recipe follows.

Day 14:

In this episode Dr Nandita Shah talks about the changes that participants noticed, both in the mind and body by the end of the second week. She also talks about why she is so particular that all the food is organic in this retreat and in general.

Day 13:

In today’s episode Tehseen Dudani describes hormonal issues and their causes. We also had a completely raw meal which was vibrant in colors and absolutely delicious. A salad recipe follows.

Day 12:

Today’s nature walk was with Captain Joseph Pinto to One Tree Hill. That’s a place from where dolphins are often visible. Captain shares how loving oneself is so important, and how through this he too learnt to cook. Men can cook too! There’s a salad recipe that anyone can do.

Day 11:

Today watch Madhura speak about her healthy habits and how she created health for herself. Followed by another fabulous salad recipe.

Day 10:

Here Ruchi Singh shares about some of the amazing optional sessions that we have – yoga, meditation, yoganidra, pranayama. These are very popular – so many people are benefitting from them. As usual a salad recipe follows.

Day 9:

Tehseen Dudhani, one of our facilitators reversed her diabetes in 21 days. Here she shares her personal story. She also shares about the class on growing your own micro greens. And this is followed by another salad recipe!

Day 8:

Sunday is a holiday. Many of us walked to the nearby Gokarna (5 km). Its daunting for many but nothing like a challenge to make us realise our capacity. Thanks to Capt Joseph Pinto who never ceases to motivate.

Day 7:

Its been a week and the results have already started. That’s the magic of eating right, exercise and mindwork. Here we are working with a variety of different ailments from diabetes, hypertension and obesity to cancer and autoimmune diseases. Dr Nandita Shah shares what she has seen here so far.

Day 6:

Madhura, SHARAN’s nutritionist shares the SHARAN Nutrition guidelines here, and also tells how any cuisine can be made healthy. As usual a salad recipe follows

Day 5:

Ruchi is with us for the first time as a cooking instructor and to help with the kitchen and our 21-Day Health Retreat. Here she shares how whole plant based diet helped her get rid of acidity and bloating and helped her husband get rid of asthma. She also shares about the art therapy that we have here. And she is a lover of salads. She hardly eats cooked any more. This one ends with yet another salad recipe!

Day 4:

Capt Joseph Pinto was a pilot. Until he realised that he wanted to do something more meaningful. Now he leads the swimming classes, aqua aerobics and excursions in our 21-day health retreat. Not only has he lost 15 kg and got his youth back but he helps so many others do the same! He also cooks when he has to. You will see one of his favourite salads at the end of this video.

Day 3:

Most of our participants are amazed at themselves during our retreat. Just doing things in a group brings out the best in us. And Captain Joseph Pinto is also a great motivator! People who could not climb one flight of stairs when they arrive are attending all the activities in just 3 days. And they don’t want to miss a single one! Watch Madhura, our nutritionist tell you how it works!

Day 2: Simply Salads with SHARAN

In this video you will learn from our facilitator Tehseen Mehdi Dudani about Gratitude and why we spend 15 minutes each day on this during our 21-Day Health Retreat. This is followed by salad demo!

Day 1: An introduction to the days to come and a easy peasy salad recipe

This is our 13th 21-day Health Retreat and as always we are excited. In this video Dr Nandita Shah explains why we conduct the retreat over and over again. You will also get glimpses of our team this year and the beautiful venue, SwaSwara. And the bonus – a salad recipe too.