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Around the World in 8 Dishes
Monday 9th May 2016
Villa 40, Street 5, Meadows 1, Exit 32 ( From Shq. Zayed Road), Dubai

Get together with Viraj & Mitsu as they take over a culinary journey of sorts!
Learn how to make some easy & healthy Plant Based dishes with Zero Oil, Cream, Butter, Preservatives etc. from around the World!
- Mexican Tostadas & Filling
- Burmese Khosuey
- Italian Pasta
- Indian Crispy Karela
- Lebanese Baklava
- Indian Lentil Spicy Balls
- Lebanese Tabbouleh with a twist
Time: 10 am – 12 pm
Contribution: Aed 215 per person.
Early Bird Discount: Aed 180 per person 7th May.
Presenters: Viraj, Mitsu Bhatia.
Contact: Nisha 0505250891 / Mitsu 0559803132