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Cook Your Way to Good Health
Saturday 1st October 2016
Party Hall, Doshi Llanstephen, 95/72 McNichols Road, Chetpet, Chennai

Food plays a vital role in managing health then why not equip yourself with some basic techniques on healthy cooking!
Join Anubha, Health Coach with SHARAN, in a 2 hour workshop to understand how to dish out simple and delicious recipes made with plant based whole foods.
The demo will cover 15 dishes including dairy alternatives, green smoothie, hearty salads, oil-free tadkas, whole-grain dishes, refined sugar-free cholesterol-free desserts and snacks.
The workshop also includes tasting of the dishes over lunch, recipe booklet and lots of facts about nutrition and health.
Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Contribution: Rs. 2500 per person,
Early Bird Discount: Rs 2100 per person till 28th September 2016.
Rs.1900 per participant for a group of two or more registering by 28th September 2016.
Note*: Please deposit cash or cheque before the Early Bird date ends (midnight), or else full rate(s) will be applicable.
Shreya Singhania 09820947564
Anney Verghese 09930752967
Anubha 09980950135, anubha@sharan-india.org
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation before the early bird attracts full refund towards another program. Cancellation after early bird attracts 75% refund. No refund for cancellations on the day of the event.