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Fast Track To health & weight loss
Wednesday 22nd June 2016
Mitsu’s Residence Villa 40, Street 5, Meadows 1, Dubai

Topic: Healthy Workout & Smoothie Class ( Do come in comfortable clothes for a bit of Healthy Workout)
You = Tired of feeling sick and tired!
Us = Love helping others explore what healthy changes
can help them feel awesome again!
With Our Top Delicious & Super Healthy Smoothie Recipes For the Whole Family !
Grab a Friend Come & enjoy
An Evening Filled With tons Of
New Ideas To Liven Your Mornings
With Our Healthy workout & Smoothie Class
Time: 6 pm – 8:30 pm
Contribution: Aed 180 per person
Early Bird Discount: Aed 150 per person till 20th June
Note: Please deposit cash or cheque before the Early Bird date ends (midnight), or else full rate(s) will be applicable.
Presenter: Diggy & Mitsu
Contact: Nisha : 0505250891
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation before the early bird attracts full refund towards another program. Cancellation after early bird attracts 75% refund.