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Healthy Vegan Basics – Master Class
Sunday 15th November 2015
Raazmaataz, 5 Pritam Road, Dalanwala, Dehradun

‘Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food’ – Hippocrates
In the first ever healthy vegan cookery class in Dehradun learn all basic healthy cooking techniques – like oil free cooking, alternatives to dairy and sugar and gluten, and substitute unhealthy processed foods, with fresh healthy ingredients.
Time: 12 – 3pm.
- White sauce soup,
- French Beans poriyal
- Punja`bi Kadhi
- Pumpkin zoodle salad in creamy pesto dressing
- Mushroom stroganoff
- Cheesy Baked Pot Meal
- Walnut Halwa
Contribution: ₹1400 per person
Early Bird Discount: ₹200 per person off till 12th November.
Contact: Bhavna at 9821524977