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How I Lost 17 kgs in 8 Months, and You can Too!
Sunday 19th June 2016
Times Tower 6th Floor, Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai

I had the usual weight issues, since I was a teenager. I was always on the ‘healthier’ side. My weight yo-yoed till I reached my forties.But never could I be called ‘slim & trim’. And unconsciously that does take a toll somewhere…
Until I watched a film, and had lunch that changed my life, my health and my weight too! I unknowingly, lost 17 kilos in 8 months! And its been two years hence, and the weight is stable and I am eating everything!
Come & relive that day with me. Watch ‘Forks over Knives’, have the lunch I savoured and you never know…it might just spear-head your journey towards losing weight & gaining health.
Time: 11 am to 2 pm
Contribution: Rs.850 per person
Early Bird Discount: Rs.200 off per person till Friday, 17th June
Note: Please deposit cash or cheque before the Early Bird date ends (midnight), or else full rate(s) will be applicable.
Contact: Shreya Singhania 9820947564, Anney Verghese 9930752967.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation before the early bird attracts full refund towards another program. Cancellation after early bird attracts 75% refund.