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Salad Food Photography Contest with CASH prizes!
Monday 24th May—Sunday 20th June 2021
Online Events

Calling all Food Photographers or anyone who would like to try their hand at it.
We had so much fun in the last photography competition and now we are holding another one, connected to the Immunity Revolution! We want you to skip the immunity destroyer, oil, in this set and become a master of oil free cooking. We want you to try our delicious oil free recipes on our website and the winning photos will be featured on our website with the recipe & credits to photographers. We are sharing 37 recipes which are part of the competition. All you need to do is make a minimum of 14 of them, and take good photographs and send them to us in high resolution either on a drive or by email to info@sharan-india.org by the 20th of August. You must do at least 14 but are welcome to do as many as you like. Naturally the more photos you send, the more chances that they are picked and the closer you get to winning. We will be selecting the best of these as illustrations for the recipes on our website and will give you credits for them.
Anybody can do this, whether you have attended The Immunity Revolution or not. Do register for the Immunity Revolution for inspiration. Even if you cannot attend, you will get the recording. Everyone wins because if you take part, you will be enjoying delicious oil free food and improving your health and immunity. You will also learn how easy it is to make delicious healthy meals and snacks, and this will serve you a lifetime. But there is a bonus!
We have 3 CASH prizes for those contestants with the highest number of photographs chosen for our website!
First Prize – Rs 10,000
Second Prize – Rs 7000
Third Prize – Rs 5000
Guidelines to take the photos
- Plate the dish nicely
- Make sure that you use solid coloured dishes so that the salad stands out and have a solid coloured background (rather than a clear glass dish, distracting designed dish or tablecloth)
- Take the photograph with your camera in landscape. It may be helpful to use the food setting for the photo which is found even on the phone
- Take several pictures of the same dish and send us the best or the best 2-3 by uploading them in high resolution (we can help you with this). The focus is on the dish and not on the decorations around.
- Enjoy the oil free dish that you prepared
If you feel that the recipe needs tweaking please send us your suggestions too.
Good luck!
List of recipes for which you can take the photos (Please note that you must send as many photos as you like of at least 14 different items out of the 37 in high resolution) Please label the photo with the name of the dish as below and your name next to it i.e. Sandra Jones, Ratatouille. This should be the label of your photo and not written on your photography per se. All your photography must be sent on one drive and not in different emails.
Send your entry in latest by 20th June. Results will be announced by 30th June, both via email to the winners and on SHARAN’s social media. You can take part from anywhere in the world. All photographs submitted can be used by SHARAN without further permission.
Register now for free to join the contest.
Event finished