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Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss (Live + Online)
Saturday 10th June—Saturday 15th July 2023
Online on Zoom, Online Events

SHARAN is happy to announce the Six Weeks to Health Gain program live online!
Reyna K Rupani tried numerous diets and exercises but her weight remained 64-65 kgs for many years. She had almost accepted it as fate when she started the ‘Whole Plant Based Diet’ and the results were miraculous. The kilos started melting and the sizes dropped. In about 8 months, she lost over 10 kgs and in one year she weighed a healthy 48 kgs. She lost 17 kgs through a program she took up to fend off acidity!
Reyna is today a fit and self-confident mother who realised how easy it is to stay healthy by eating natural. Her 21 year old daughter cringes when someone says that they look like sisters! They even share a wardrobe now!
If losing weight and being healthy is your concern, then this is a program for you. In a systematic manner, we will guide you towards weight loss and most importantly, health. We will focus upon ‘the mind’ and help you train it to help you in this wonderful journey.
The support will include a group session once every week for six weeks at Zoom (online), which will include discussions, movies and cooking demonstrations. We will also have a WhatsApp support group, wherein you will get challenges, tips etc.
STATUTORY WARNING: If you join this program, be prepared to go shopping for a completely new wardrobe!
** Money should not be an obstacle to missing this course. If you cannot afford to pay the contribution, you can pay as you wish. Kindly contact Roza on 7499417038 for the same.
** This session is open to a maximum of 12 participants only in order to allow for interaction.
Watch here to catch some glimpses of our program:
Contact: Reyna Rupani at 9820188871.
Question: What is the difference between the 6 Week Health Gain Weight Loss Online Program and the 2 Months Personalised Weight loss Program?
The 6 Weeks Health Gain Weight Loss online program is a live group program on Zoom. There is a small group of 10 – 15 individuals who will be working together to get the results. Group sessions are long, interactive and informative and there is a lot of sharing and room for Q & A and learning from each other. This is particularly good for those who need the motivation of a group and thrive in company.
The 2 Months Personalised Weight loss Program is individualised. You will be in touch with your nutritionist who will look at your reports and give you individualised guidance according to your needs. This is especially good for those who have less time and want more privacy. Individual reports will be viewed and guidance will be given on them too. You will be able to adjust appointment timings with your nutritionist and have mutually suitable timings. This is particularly good for those who are self motivated and follow through with whatever they start.
Please choose the one best suited to you.
Zoom Meeting Dates: Every Saturday starting from 10th June to 15th July 2023
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM IST (9:30 AM UAE, 1:30 PM Hong Kong, Singapore & AWST, 3.30 PM AET)
Contribution: Rs. 6000/- + 18% GST
Registrations for the live event will close at 4:00 PM IST on Friday, 9th June 2023.
Note: You will receive an automated confirmation message.
If you do not see this please check your spam and white list our address to avoid missing future mails by dragging it into your Primary Box and adding our addresses to your address book.
A WhatsApp group will be formed one day prior to the program. Kindly provide your correct WhatsApp numbers during registrations.
Zoom links and other details will be shared on the WhatsApp group.
In case you do not receive the email or for queries related to the online Zoom sessions, kindly contact – office@sharan-india.org or call / whatsapp – +91 9769117747 or call +91 7499417038
Cancellation attracts full refund till 4 days before the event, 50% refund 3 days before the event. No refund on the day of the event.