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Training program for SHARAN medical consultations
Tuesday 2nd February—Wednesday 3rd February 2016
SUBA International, Plot No. 211, Chakala, Sahar Road, Opp. Cigarette Factory, Andheri East, Mumbai

SHARAN offers holistic nutrition consultations in person and via Skype/phone. These are useful for anyone who is interested in preventing and reversing diseases, through whole plant based nutrition. The goal is to test, and scientifically reduce medications so that each patient can reach their highest health potential. This requires understanding of the patient’s background, and guiding him/her in the simplest way possible to make changes to get well. It also means advising tests, checking results and reducing medications knowledgeably so that the patient can be free of the medications eventually. It also requires explaining patients about methods of cooking and creating an individualised meal plan for them according to SHARAN standards and specifications.
SHARAN is looking for doctors to be trained to conduct these consultations.
- Must be registered medical practitioners in their locations.
- Must have attended at least 1 SHARAN full day seminar.
- Whole plant based-diet must be their own personal practice.
- They must have a reasonable knowledge about healthy cooking to convey this to their patients.
Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Participants will be given guidelines about how to do consultations and will be involved in several live consultations during the training. There will be time for Q & A. There will be long term support from SHARAN for consultations.
After the training they may do consultations for SHARAN according to specific guidelines as well as use this knowledge to consult with their own patients.
Please complete the application form. Once you are accepted, please make the payment: Rs 15,000 per person through online or deposit cash or a cheque directly to our account by depositing in your local ICICI bank. The cheque must be in favour of A/c Name: SHARAN and our bank details are Account Type: Current, Bank Name: ICICI Bank, A/c No. 623505501104, Branch: Fort, Mumbai – 400001, IFSC Code: ICIC0006235.
Google Map: Click here.
Registration open until 26th January 2015 or when places are filled. Maximum number is 8.