Join SHARAN & Vegan related Facebook Groups in your Area

May 30, 2014

Please check out SHARAN’s Facebook page and other interesting pages of
our programs and groups. Also access links to Facebook pages of other
vegan groups in India and in your local region.

Interesting Facebook Pages

SHARAN’S Facebook Page

SHARAN’s 21 day disease reversal program

Reversing Diabetes

Inspiring Health Lifestyles

Vegan Groups on Facebook

Support group for people on the vegan path for health: Staying Vegan with SHARAN

A group is for members of “Be Light Be Well” programme

Healthy Vegan Meals and Catering Service – Vegan Bites

Holistic Health and Living – Holistic Wellness

Indian Vegan groups

Vegans in India

Indian Vegans

Satvik India Vegan Society


Bangalore Vegans

Bangalore Vegan Food Club

Vegan Society of Bangalore


Chennai Vegans

Tamil Vegans


Coimbatore Vegans

Delhi NCR

Delhi Vegans

Delhi NCR Vegans

Vegan City Delhi


Hyderabad Vegans


Kolkata Vegans


Mumbai Vegans

Vegan Mumbai


Pune Vegans

Tamil Vegan

Tamil Vegans