
SHARAN runs an informal library at our Mumbai office at Laxmi Industrial Estate, Andheri to help people access books about health and veganism.

To get started please call, 022 4003 1909,  97691 17747 or Email:

How it works

  • You need to make a deposit of Rs 3000 + Rs 500 towards courier charges if applicable. This deposit is returnable to you at any time you would like to close your account. You will be asked for another payment towards courier charges, when the Rs 500 is used up.
  • The period for keeping the books is one month. Please return the books as soon as possible so that others may read the books as well.
  • You may borrow 2 books at a time.
  • In case you want to renew a book, please let Office know, and you may do so provided no one else is waiting for the same book.
  • In case a book is not returned on time you will receive a notice by phone or email. Despite this if the book is still not returned quickly, a new one of the same title will be ordered and the money will be deducted from your deposit. In case the cost of replacing the book is more than the deposit, you will be expected to pay the deficit.

Titles available: