Can rethinking our lifelong beliefs help us be more mindful?

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Dussehra celebrations have just concluded. This festival symbolises the triumph of good over evil. Here in Tamil Nadu where I live, every household broke an ash gourd and smeared it with vermilion. They did puja and enjoyed sweets. And then life continued as usual. 

No evil was vanquished, there wasn’t any more good than before and nothing changed. Millions of people and animals continue to suffer from starvation. Yet, the food that could have been eaten by many is wasted by the masses and intelligentsia alike in the name of rituals. I noticed cows in my neighbourhood snacking on the gourds with the poisonous vermilion. How many of us stop to think that we consume this same poison when we have their milk? Then we wonder why disease is flourishing.

Rituals are a result of conditioning. Not many of us bother to look into the meaning of these rituals. These are not just rituals of religion, but rituals of everyday living. The ancient wise men predicted “Kali Yug”. And despite an accurate description of all that will happen, the followers were unable to stop it. This is symbolic. 

Today, evil is rearing its head all around us – in the form of diseases, adulteration of foods, unethical practices, rapes, murder, money-grabbing, climate change and more. The need of the hour is a determined paradigm shift. Each one of us has the power to change our destiny – all it requires is for us to become mindful thinkers instead of mindless followers.

October is cancer awareness month and hence we have curated a special Smoothie with SHARAN episode where you will meet two special guests who have conquered this disease and emerged as an inspiration to many. To register for this free talk, click here


Celebrating Responsibly and Healthfully

Our plant-based nutritionist and facilitator Kommal Shah shares how she is mindful of the planet in her Diwali celebrations

A perceptive eye would observe how celebrating Diwali has over time become a very wasteful affair, replete with redundant shopping and wastage all around, that only hurts our planet.

Mother Earth needs our help more than ever and hence going eco-friendly has become a very important aspect of our lives now, including our 11-year-old daughter Svaraa’s. We celebrate all our festivals with greater ecological awareness, especially the most popular festival of our country Diwali – a festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil.

Every year, we donate clothes, vessels, toys and stationery that are not used in the last two years to someone in need or to an NGO which can channelise them to the needy. We say no to electric lights and instead light clay diyas and soy wax candles. Colouring the clay diyas is fun too. We use natural organic colours made from rice powder, turmeric, coffee powder and kumkum instead of chemical colours. As we discard these powders after use, the insects can consume them. We don’t burst firecrackers as animals are terrified of them and the pollution of the sound, air and land is not worth the short-lived fun. Our home décor is simple and elegant with DIY paper lanterns and colourful dupattas. Making best-out-of-waste decors with kids is a great holiday activity too. 

We gift our friends and relatives organic fruits and healthy plant-based sweets. If we need to buy something different for them, we give thoughtful gifts that they can use. We pack these gifts in brown paper or newspaper instead of plastic.

Every celebration leads to some waste, so we ensure to dispose of it responsibly by separating the biodegradable from the non-biodegradable.

Wishing all a fun-filled conscious Diwali this year. 

Healthy Diwali Recipes

Light up your festivities with health. We have compiled a few healthy and delicious recipes for you and your loved ones this Diwali. To download the free eBook, click here

Food For The Mind


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1. SHARAN India is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.

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Life Has You Caught Up?

Let’s face it, most of us are guilty of seeking fleeting pleasures rather than inner happiness and lasting fulfilment. We are caught up in the routine of daily life, looking for instant gratification. Too many of us are clueless about what we want and are too scared or unwilling to step out of our comfort zones to find out. We don’t want to be different from others yet we want something different from what we have. No surprise then that our problems visit us time and again with alarming similarities. There is a solution to this – we can overcome this stagnant state of mind with just a little effort and a little thought.

1. Before you eat anything, be mindful

Is it good for you? Will the pleasure be worth the effects on your health? When we are hungry, our body seeks nutrition. Nutritionally deficient food products are deliberately made addictive to make you buy more.

2. Before you say anything, be mindful

Is it true? Are you absolutely sure it’s true? And even if it is, will it benefit anyone if you say it? Some things are just not worth saying!

3. Before you do anything, be mindful

Are you doing it because you believe you should do it? Are you doing so to please others or because of other people’s expectations? Do you really believe that it should be done?

4. Before doing puja or a religious practice, be mindful

Is this practice really meaningful to you? Will it be harmful to anybody else or any other creature on the planet? Is it of value to the earth, our only home? Are you doing it because it has been done for centuries by our ancestors? Are you living exactly the way they lived? If some things can change, why not others?

5. Before making life-changing plans, be mindful

Why are you getting married? Is it because everyone else is or is it because you really desire to live with your partner for the rest of your life? Are you lonely? Is it something else? Make sure the reason is worthy of the action. Your desire to have children – is it because everyone else is expecting you to? Or you have this urge to prove your fertility? Is it a biological need to have a child? What will the child’s future be in this rapidly-changing world? Irreversible actions need a lot of forethought.

6. Before choosing a vocation, be mindful

Most people spend more than half their waking life at work. If you are doing something that you don’t believe in, it will ultimately make you unhappy. If you refuse to accept anything except what you believe in, you will very often get it. You may sacrifice money, fame, or even respect in the eyes of others, but you will know that you have made the right choice.

7. Before buying something new, be mindful

Almost everything that you buy, except edibles, will clutter your home or environment and remain on this planet for a very long time. We are destroying nature and our planet with garbage. Cluttered cupboards also clutter the mind. Our needs are so few yet our desires are so many. If you have things you don’t need, give them away so that somebody else does not have to buy them, so that yet someone else can produce less of them. Your reward? Travel lightly through life!

8. Before believing something, be mindful

Re-examine all the possibilities. A lie repeated often enough takes the form of truth in our minds. We are living in this paradigm because we have bought so many lies. We believe dairy is healthy or that medicines are a necessity because we have been told this over and over again. Stop to question all your beliefs.

9. Before taking a holiday, be mindful

Is this holiday going to be beneficial for you? We all need change, and travel is fun and promotes learning and relaxation. But we often take holidays for the wrong reasons – boredom, fantasy or to be noticed. Don’t lose the chance to learn something new and do something valuable in your free time! And if you can learn to enjoy every minute of your life, then your whole life, even your work can be like a holiday!

This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Edited by Seema Nayak, who has benefitted a great deal by going on a whole food plant-based diet.

Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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