The ultimate guide to taking care of your teeth

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Whenever we have dental problems, we usually go to the dentist and get treated. Cavities are filled, teeth may be removed, root canals and other procedures are done. Dental treatments are largely solution-oriented and not preventive. But our amazing bodies always work to heal. Symptoms are the only way that our bodies let us know that something is wrong. And whenever something is wrong, we should take corrective action.

Even if we require dental treatment, we should think about why the body has produced this symptom and what we can do to prevent further deterioration. It is often said that the mouth is a mirror to the body. This is true as oral health can be affected by several systemic diseases and vice versa too.

Teeth are similar to bones with a few differences. Both are the hardest substances in the world. The condition of the teeth can reflect the condition of the bones in the body. If your teeth are full of cavities, it may indicate that your bones may also be osteoporotic. Then there is the mucous membrane – ulcers there can guide to certain nutrient deficiencies or even diseases like Crohn’s or HIV /AIDS, and pallor can reflect anaemia. 

Bad breath can indicate not just poor oral hygiene and dental decay but even certain conditions of the body such as diabetes. An experienced doctor may even be able to arrive at a diagnosis just from the smell of the breath!

Poor oral hygiene can be a gateway for bacteria to travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body leading to certain systemic diseases including cardiovascular disease. 

So, it’s very important to open your mouth wide and have a good look inside and if anything seems wrong, see what needs to be done to correct it!

Our signature 21-Day Health Retreat at Gokarna near Goa will be conducted twice this year – June & September. Held at a beautiful eco-resort Swaswara, this 21-day retreat is designed by Dr Nandita Shah herself. It helps participants reverse diseases, and those who don’t have any health issues learn everything about living a life without medicines. It includes talks, cooking sessions, yoga, treks, fun activities and so much more. Hurry! The early bird for June ends on 25 April.


‘My visits to the dentist are history now!’

Palak Jain recounts the myriad benefits of following the SHARAN lifestyle, including freedom from dental issues.

Recently at a party, I noticed that my friend was not eating anything, because of a root canal treatment that she had just undergone. This made me thankful that I hadn’t needed to go to the dentist for the last 3-4 years!

I never would have guessed that shifting to the SHARAN lifestyle would save us dentist’s bills and the unimaginable pain too. Since childhood, I had dental issues like cavities and bleeding gums and had even undergone a root canal treatment. My children too had similar problems. Every time we visited the dentist, we were advised something new – like switching to a new toothpaste or toothbrush and even brushing techniques. I religiously implemented these in our lives but no significant changes could be seen. 

Little did I know the main culprits were hiding in our food all this time – sugar and dairy. Thanks to this dairy-free and sugar-free lifestyle, I no longer have to take dental appointments and wait for long hours, just to go through a painful procedure!

With this WFPB lifestyle, apart from gaining dental health, I also reversed my hypertension. My perimenopause symptoms are at ease now. I also used to get rosacea, where my cheeks would redden whenever I used to cook but that’s disappeared too. 

Also, since the family is following this diet, we rarely need to take the kids to the doctor now.  And to top it all, the food is so delicious that we truly don’t miss anything.

Herbal Tooth Powder/Tooth Paste

Make your own toothpowder at home with our Eco-kaki Dr Suman Govil’s recipe. Say goodbye to early-morning chemicals and hello to fresh breath and a sparkling smile.


  • 2 tbsp mint powder
  • 2 tbsp tulsi powder
  • 3 tbsp triphala powder
  • 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt
  • 1 tsp fennel (saunf) powder
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 tsp clove powder
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp neem leaf powder


Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly. Sieve the mixture, if required, to get a fine powder.

Store the fine powder in an airtight glass container. 

When using, mix a small amount with water to make a thick paste. Apply on your teeth with your finger or toothbrush. Brush as usual and rinse off.

Yield: about one cup

Food For The Mind


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2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

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Taking care of your teeth

While we always recommend a whole plant-based diet with organic foods, there are a few extra tips to take care of your teeth and hence overall health

1. Use natural toothpaste or toothpowder

Most toothpastes are made of chemicals. Small amounts will enter the body, and chemicals entering our body can be harmful in the long run. Instead, use natural toothpastes or you can even make your own toothpowder or paste. Make sure that you are putting only safe ingredients in your mouth.

2. Use a soft toothbrush

A hard toothbrush can destroy the enamel over time, exposing the tooth to food particles that can cause cavities.

3. Avoid acidic foods

Tea, coffee, colas, sugar, vinegar, excess salt, packaged foods, smoking, alcohol and even certain medicines can be harmful in the long term.

4. Don’t use breath fresheners and mouthwashes

These are more unnecessary chemicals. Instead, clean up from the inside – with whole plant-based foods and plenty of raw foods – so that you do not have bad breath. Acidic foods also cause bad breath so avoid them. You can gargle with warm water with turmeric and salt instead.

5. Check and supplement vitamin D

Vitamin D is a hormone that’s important for the utilisation of calcium. The very best way to get enough vitamin D is through the sun. But since we don’t get enough direct sunshine on our skin due to clothes, sunscreen, windows and even air pollutants, everyone needs to check and supplement if required. Be careful, excess is harmful too.

6. Eat plenty of raw foods

Fibre, especially raw vegetable fibre, helps to clean the teeth. Chew your food well. If something gets stuck, carefully brush it out.

7. Sleep well and take care of emotional wellbeing

We often grind our teeth when we sleep late or are stressed. It can also be a symptom of worms.

8. Don’t ignore symptoms

Always try to find the cause and correct it. Many issues can be healed without treatments.

9. Don’t delay treatments

If a dental treatment cannot be avoided, don’t delay – it will only get worse. But understand the cause and take corrective steps before the next mishap happens.

This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Edited by Seema Nayak, who has benefitted a great deal by going on a whole food plant-based diet.

Sanctuary for Health and Re-connection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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