Did you know the alarming link between dairy and cancer?

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From the desk of Dr Nandita Shah

Today cancer has become a household name. There is no single cause for it – it’s the chemicals, the pollution, the plastic, the pesticides, the stress and negative emotions, the electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and their towers, computers and even the LED lights and remotes. Sadly, development has led to disease.

But did you know that dairy too can be a leading cause of cancer? This is often the first food that we give to our kids, the one we force them to have every day and the one food that is somewhere in almost everyone’s diet every day.

We consume dairy in a variety of forms – milk, cheese, butter, cream, paneer, ghee, buttermilk and ice cream. It could be a hidden ingredient in cookies, chips, biscuits and all kinds of snacks, desserts and main dishes. It’s easy to see how giving this up is difficult and that’s where cancer wins.

Cheese, paneer, ghee and cream are concentrated forms of milk. With so many alternatives to deadly dairy products available, why are we still risking our health and lives? We prefer to avoid thinking about the possibility of cancer and its prevention, even though when it occurs, it’s so difficult to deal with.

Our June 21-Day Health Retreat is sold out and we are still getting enquiries for it. This year we have another one in September, so if this is for you, please register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. For details click here. Please note that we also have a week-long retreat in July which may be of interest too. Details here


From beating cancer to now helping others


Watch Upasana Bijoor recount how she survived a cancer scare with the help of a SHARAN lifestyle. She dreamt of switching her career to one where she helped others to live healthfully too. She is now fulfilling that dream through Natureville in Bangalore.

Tofu Ricotta 

You don’t need dairy to make delicious cheese. Enjoy this plant-based ricotta without having to worry about the deadly side effects of dairy cheese.


  • 250 g extra firm tofu
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • ⅛ cup nutritional yeast
  • ¼ tsp unrefined salt
  • ¼ tsp black pepper (kali mirch) powder
  • ½ tbsp dry parsley flakes
  • ½ tsp dry basil
  • ½ tsp dry oregano
  • ⅛ cup lemon juice
  • ⅛ cup soymilk


Combine all above ingredients in a blender and blend until fairly smooth. Refrigerate and serve or use in a recipe.

Makes 2 cups

Food For The Mind


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1. SHARAN India is SHARAN’s main Facebook page which you can like and follow for getting useful daily updates and news from the plant based health world. You will also get news about the latest SHARAN events, see testimonials, and more.

2. SHARAN’s Vegan Support Group is an open support group to know more about vegan/plant-based lifestyle. Here you can ask questions and share inspiring stories, tips, recipes, etc.

All our doctors and presenters will be here to answer your questions and give you tips. If you have attended our events join this group to be a part of our family.

Please like the main SHARAN page and join the group(s) applicable to you.


How dairy can cause cancer                       

It’s hard to believe that dairy can cause cancer because we’ve been brought up thinking that milk is a complete and ideal food. Here are some ways in which dairy milk contributes to cancers

1. Protein is the food for growth and cancer is a growth. There is a connection. Milk is high in proteins because it’s the food for a baby calf to grow to full size in 18 months

2. Milk contains powerful growth hormones that promote growth. They also naturally promote the growth of tumours

3. Casein, the major protein in milk, is a carcinogen that can actually promote cancer cells. In a replicable experiment, rats fed on a diet of 20% casein always developed tumours which would shrink when the casein was removed

4. Proteins break down into amino acids, creating an acidic environment that invites cancer cells present in the body to thrive. We need a more alkaline environment for health

5. The fat content of dairy (for eg. cheese is about 70% fat) causes blockages in the arteries, leading to decreased oxygenation to the cells – another invitation to cancer cells

6. Most cows are fed food laden with pesticides. This is then concentrated in the milk since the body tries to throw it out. (In fact, studies have shown even mother’s milk to be filled with pesticides)

7. Cows in India are often grazing in garbage dumps and tend to eat all kinds of waste that could include chemicals and carcinogens

8. Cows are often drinking water from streams polluted with detergents, soaps and other effluents simply because of the lack of clean drinking water. These toxic chemicals come back to us through the milk

9. Readymade feed contains rendered slaughterhouse by-products – again high protein and may contain plastics and other chemicals

10. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancers are hormone-dependent cancers that are triggered by the sex hormones found in dairy milk


This newsletter was compiled by SHARAN Head of Mumbai, Reyna K Rupani. She facilitates the Six Weeks to Health Gain & Weight Loss program and also conducts health talks for schools, groups, corporates and more.

Edited by Seema Nayak, who has benefitted a great deal by going on a whole food plant-based diet.

Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a social enterprise with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.
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