Newsletter January

Newsletter Name Issue No 1


Greetings 2016

SHARAN’s vision is health for all and a Diabetes-Free India. We are growing rapidly to meet these goals and are spreading our wings all over the world through our various experts. 2016 is SHARAN’s 11th year and I want to start this year by a gift to YOU. We are starting bimonthly newsletters which will give you tips and information that can put you on the path to reaching your highest health potential.

Our newsletters will be written by different SHARAN experts. We welcome your contributions, experiences, recipes and feedback.

From the events of 2015 it’s clear that our world has reached a crises point. If we want any future for our children we all have to be the change we want to see in this world. I admit that change is always difficult, but we cannot solve a problem by continuing the same lifestyle that caused it. At the same time, the only person that we can change is ourselves.

Please join us in changing the world, one bite at a time.

Week 1 – A short letter from you, introducing the newsletter as a New Year gift, and asking people to send their contributions, experiences, recipes and feedback too.


Most people who turn Vegan are often bombarded with questions like "What about your calcium?" This is only natural because world over people have been brainwashed into thinking that Milk is important for calcium. If that be the case, why is Ostoerporosis common, and why are people advised calcium supplements?

Just make sure, you have these 5 super calcium foods as a part of your diet, and you are calcium sorted!

i. Green Leafy Vegetables – Smoothies anyone? (Kindly note that spinach has oxalate that prevents the absorption of calcium, so don’t overdo the spinach, and keep revolving the greens).
ii. Sesame seeds – Sprinkle into your smoothies, salads and vegetables!
iii. Fruits – The ones rich in calcium are Figs, Dates, Grapefruit, Pineapple and Avocado
iv. Nuts – Almonds, Pistas and Walnuts (don’t forget the 10 nuts a day rule!)
v. Legumes – Peanuts!
vi. Garlic
vii. Oats
viii. Brown Rice

Did You Know?

Bananas help absorb calcium, when combined with calcium rich foods!

Most plant-based foods contain calcium, so if you are consuming a wide variety of fruits, nuts, grains, legumes and vegetables, you needn’t worry about calcium!

Food for the Mind

‘If you eat with awareness, then you cannot eat more than is needed by the body. People go on coming to me and they say, "Put us on a diet. My weight is increasing, the body is constantly hoarding. Put us on a diet." I tell them, "Don’t think of a diet. Think of consciousness. By dieting nothing will happen. You cannot do it. You will do it one day and th next day it will go. You cannot continue. Rather, eat with awareness."

The quality changes. If you eat with awareness, you will chew more. With unconscious mechanical habits, you simply go on pushing things into your stomach. You are not chewing at all, you are just stuffing. Then there is no pleasure, and because there is no pleasure you need more food in order to get the pleasure. There is no taste, so you need more food. – OSHO, Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol.2


If you like cooking Indian foods, especially North Indian dishes, its handy to make cashew butter and store it in the fridge. That way its always available to replace cream and butter in your dishes. Being a plant based ingredient, cashew butter is 100% cholesterol free too!





A study done by Nobel prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found that a vegan diet caused more than 500 genes to change in three months, turning on genes that prevent disease and turning off genes that cause cancer, heart disease and other illness.


Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature (SHARAN) is a non-profit organisation with the goal of spreading awareness about holistic health and an ecologically sustainable compassionate lifestyle.

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