Organic farm

Only agriculture that is natural, localised, sustainable, non-intensive and chemical-free can protect the environment, its biodiversity, water and energy resources; protect us and our health; nourish our culture and society; and allow for a true and sustainable economical model.  At SHARAN we believe in a natural eco-friendly farming approach, which offers an alternative to the heavy chemicals used in commercial farming.

Natueco farming applies the principles of eco-system networking of nature in our farming system, and emphasises harvesting the sun through a critical application of scientific inquiries and experiments that are rooted in the neighborhood resources. It is different from organic or natural farming both in philosophy and practice. Natueco Farming focuses on ‘Neighborhood Resource Enrichment’ by using ‘Additive Regeneration’ rather than total dependence on external, commercial inputs. Here, the three primary aspects of good farming are:

  1. Soil management and enrichment through available biomass,
  2. Proper canopy management by harvesting the sun and
  3. Developing and maintaining the roots for efficient nutrients-absorption.

Our farm

We put our natueco farming principles to test and practice in our farm in Bajwada, a small town on the banks of the river Narmada, in Madhya Pradesh.

farm before
The farm before we started

DSCN3412The flourishing farm

DSC00603The farm has its own website where you can read more about its philosophy and functioning: