Our Experts

  • Dr. Nandita Shah

    Dr Nandita Shah, the recipient of the prestigious Nari Shakti Puraskaar in 2016, is the Founder, Director, and trustee of SHARAN. She founded SHARAN in 2005 with the aim of helping people to heal themselves, and the planet, by connecting to animals and nature...

  • Reyna Rupani

    Reyna Rupani has always preferred to stay away from medicines...and whenever she would look at elder people going for check-ups and taking pills, she would dread old age! Little did she realize at that time that she could...

  • Madhura Vayal

    Madhura Vayal has a Masters in Nutritional Science from University of Kentucky, and also holds a Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition from E-Cornell, New York. After graduation with a BSc in Food Nutrition and Dietitics from University of Mumbai and a PG Diploma...

  • Rose Pinto

    Her whole family turned vegan with her after watching the documentary – Earthlings, and attended SHARAN's workshop too. Which helped to maintain her decision in cooking and staying vegan easily. For last six months she is following an organic plant based diet and...

  • Vandana Tiwari

    Vandana has a hypothyroid problem and was searching for a natural cure since a long time. She came to know about SHARAN and learnt about the plant based diet. She started attending all the possible cooking classes...

  • Tehseen Dudani

    Tehseen Dudani has over 14 years of experience in the insurance and banking industries wherein she has handled a number of portfolios including training and development...

  • Captain Joseph Pinto

    Capt Joseph Pinto, a retired Indian Airforce Pilot was flying Helicopters in Civil Offshore Industry India and abroad after leaving Airforce. Born into typical Keralite Christian family, he was naturally a hard core non vegetarian...

  • Dr. Reena Sharma

    Dr. Reena Sharma is a qualified psychologist based in Ahmedabad Gujarat with over fifteen years experience in psychological therapies. She emphasizes a holistic approach towards intervention by addressing...

  • Madhavi Barot

    Madhavi Barot was born in a vegetarian family. Despite never having consumed meat, ever since she can remember, she was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, frozen shoulder and an overall lack of energy...

  • Poonam Sharma

    Poonam Sharma holds a Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education from IGNOU and a Diploma in Dietetics Health & Nutrition and a Certificate in Child Care Nutrition from VLCC Institute of Beauty & Nutrition...

  • Jaishree Kannan

    Jaishree Kannan has a Master’s degree in Social Work from Madras University and is a qualified Counsellor from Xavier Institute of Counselling Psychology. She also holds a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from T Colin Campbell Center...

  • Ruchi Singh

    Ruchi singh has been an ardent student of health and nutrition and a certified naturopath. She has been practising yoga since early years but her sudden weight gain and other growing physical problems made her realise that her search to find a perfect...

  • Neelima Sriram

    Neelima is a chef, food stylist and a food consultant by profession. Since the age eighteen, she has lived twenty five years abroad - in Europe, Central Asia & North America (Canada), where she taught cooking, & successfully ran a catering business....

  • Kommal Shah

    Kommal Shah is a Health Coach with SHARAN and a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. She studied nutrition at American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA). She also holds a Child Nutrition Diploma from Centre of Excellence (CoE)...

  • Shashi Rungta

    Shashi Rungta who is now in her early fifties, adopted the whole food plant based diet about 2 years ago. Her husband Nirmal had chronic hyperacidity and was over weight (95 kgs) & she had hypo- thyroid. He was advised to switch to a vegan diet...

  • Shalini Goenka

    Shalini Goenka is a certified Yoga Instructor from the Yoga Institute and Mumbai University, an ACSM certified Health Coach and Diabetic Educator. She has been conducting yoga classes and doing nutritional consultations since 2010...

  • Supraja S

    Supraja is a BSc in Nutrition, and holds a Certificate in Plant-based Nutrition from E-Cornell, New York. She is also a NESTA certified Sports Nutritionist and holds a Certificate in Music Therapy from Chennai School of Music Therapy (CSMT)...

  • Dr Nishita Dodhia

    Dr Nishita Dodhia is a qualified Homeopathic Consultant. After graduating from CMP Homeopathy Medical College, Mumbai she later obtained an MD from DKMM College, Aurangabad, specializing in Psychiatry...

  • Dr. Suman Govil

    Dr. Suman Govil, a Ph.D. in botany from University of Delhi and worked in Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India as a senior advisor from 1982 to 2018. A vegetarian by birth, she had a lot of health issues including polycystic ovaries

  • Sharmila Kannan

    Sharmila Kannan who has been working in the private sector for 30 years followed a close friend’s advice to turn vegan for ethical reasons. Not one to turn her back on something she can connect with, she contacted SHARAN, enrolled for Dr. Nandita Shah’s seminar on “10 Steps to a Life without Medicines” in late 2018, attended their cooking classes to explore the options for vegan food and took the plunge headlong...

  • Sandhyaashree

    Sandhyaashree is a practicing Holistic Lifestyle Coach for the last 20 years. In her early twenties, she felt a strong connection to explore the prana or Life Force in the food we eat. She turned vegetarian in 2003 when she experienced the trauma and distress of an animal...

  • Dr Sudhir Sethi

    Dr Sudhir Sethi is a Consultant Paediatrician (Child Specialist) practising for almost 30 years. He completed his MBBS at JIPMER, Pondicherry and his MD Paediatrics at Grant Medical College, JJ Hospital, Mumbai...

  • Shalu Nijhawan

    Shalu Nijhawan is a certified Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach. She studied nutrition at American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA). Apart from being a Nutritional Consultant, she also conducts cooking workshops and talks.

  • Dr Charu Kapoor

    Dr Charu Kapoor, a Medical Consultant at SHARAN, is a qualified Homeopathic doctor practising for the last 25 years, after graduating from Yerala Medical College, Mumbai. Additionally, she completed CCH and CGO from Wadia Hospital, Parel...

  • Seema Nayak

    Seema Nayak led a stressful corporate life in Mumbai. She paid scant attention to her meals or her lifestyle. As she approached midlife, she was determined to avoid getting diabetes like her parents had, and set out to research how to go about it.

  • Vineeta Punjabi

    Vineeta Punjabi was a banker by profession and always assumed she was eating and living healthfully until cancer struck in the family. The whole experience made her wonder if there was a way to have health in her own hands...

  • Rashi Tiwari

    Rashi Tiwari is a PhD in Biochemistry from University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and holds a management diploma from IMT, Ghaziabad and a Masters in Medical Biotechnology from PGIMER, Chandigarh...

  • Veena Thakker

    Veena Thakker who is based in Dubai turned to a whole food plant based diet overnight. Here’s why and how she did this. She used to suffer from GERD and Migraine until 2014. After taking antacids for a few years, there was a stage when she experienced loss of appetite, exhaustion...

  • Priya Shah

    Priya Shah is a vibrant Home maker from Mumbai having an undying passion for healthy life style. Leading a plant based life style with complete focus on "Self Realization", has now become a way of life for her. She is equally enthusiastic to share and celebrate with the like minded souls...

  • Shalini Kocha

    Shalini Kocha has always been a bit of a health nut but meeting others like her through SHARAN has given her a new lease on life - a cause that allows her to combine her compassion for animals, love for plants and nature, and general aversion to medicines.

  • Nipa Mangat

    Nipa Mangat is a strong, multi-talented woman. This mother of two teenagers (plus one dog) runs half marathons, paints, dances, and works out. She turned vegan out of her compassion towards animals, for she has always been a believer in the fact that their lives and rights should be protected.

  • Shraddha Saraogi

    Shraddha Saraogi suffered from indigestion and vertigo for years. Alongside, her husband developed diabetes in 2019 along with his high blood pressure and cholesterol. The medicines they were taking never cured the root of the problem, but only the symptoms...

  • Dr Sanchita Bhattacharya

    Dr Sanchita Bhattacharya completed her MBBS from Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College, Jabalpur, and later specialised in Preventive and Promotive Health from Apollo Hospitals Education Research Foundation, New Delhi...

  • Dr Lakshmi Sundar

    Dr. Lakshmi Sundar completed her medicine in 1990 and thereafter trained in surgery. She currently works on preventing amputation in persons with diabetes. Her many years of experience in prevention led her to read more on prevention of diseases and help people...

  • Palak Jain

    Palak Jain, a Facilitator at SHARAN, is an artist and has worked as a commercial artist, art educator and is currently working as a graphic designer in Ahmedabad. Palak was a vegetarian and had already removed dairy products from her diet since 2 years...

  • Sharanya Abishek

    Sharanya Abishek is a nature lover and a sustainability evangelist. One fine day in 2016, she lost the vision in her left eye overnight when her daughter was just one year old. She was immediately admitted in the hospital and after a week of IV steroids, her eyesight was restored...

  • Christina

    Christina Ajith has a background in designing but food has always been her calling for as long as she remembers. But it all changed when she was diagnosed with Lupus in 2019. She went from being a perfectly healthy teenager to the one whose life depended on medications. It was the most helpless feeling that she had ever felt. SHARAN came to her as a saviour where she was introduced to a whole new world of possibilities!

  • Ram Prasad

    Ram is a popular host for several SHARAN programs. You also see him conduct demos in the 'Salad Revolution' initiative by SHARAN. Being a big believer in forming right habits, he offers free workshops on 'Healthy Habits'.

  • Rachna K

    Rachna Karnani is a facilitator with SHARAN. She holds a certificate in food and nutrition from IGNOU and also a certificate in plant based nutrition from E-Cornell.

  • Prema D

    Prema Denduluri attended a workshop in February 2019 on Reversing Diabetes and Hypertension with Dr. Nandita Shah. She was in her early sixties at the time and had been diabetic and hypertensive for more than 18 years...

  • Parini Delhivala

    She adopted a WFPB lifestyle in 2018 to support her son, a young adult blessed with Down Syndrome, a genetic condition. Since his birth, he had very low immunity, frequent cough and cold and was prone to falling sick quite often. A few years ago, he developed alopecia, an autoimmune condition.

  • Meenakshi Subramanyan

    Meenakshi Subramanyan is a health food specialist focusing on organic whole food plant-based recipes. She is a certified nutritionist from e-Cornell University, New York. She was in the US for about 12 years before relocating to India...

  • Raji Vivek

    Raji Vivek, a certified yoga therapist, finds joy in helping others lead a holistic stress-free life. Having worked in the tech industry for 15 years, she realized that a calm and balanced mind is the key to a healthy life.

  • Rashmi Agarwal

    Rashmi Agarwal is a volunteer with SHARAN. Her vegan journey started 7 years back when she attended a retreat and learnt how badly cows are treated for the dairy that we consume. Already a vegetarian by birth it wasn’t that difficult for her to turn vegan, but she did miss her yoghurt.

  • Dr Varsha Shah

    Dr Varsha Shah completed her MBBS from BVMC, Pune in 2001 and then trained in Paediatrics from Kashiba Children’s Hospital, Vadodara. While treating Covid patients during the pandemic...

  • Silvia Pusceddu

    Silvia Pusceddu, a mother of 2 kids, is an Italian, staying in Denmark. In 2019 she was diagnosed with hydatid disease during a follow-up of abdominal surgery for an advanced umbilical hernia. These two problems caused a lot of other issues like pre-diabetes, high cholesterol and BP, digestive problems...

  • Dr Aarti Rathi

    Dr Aarti Rathi is a Clinical Cardiologist, Geriatrician and Diplomate of Lifestyle Medicine from the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine. She has been working in the field of Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation at Vadodara, Gujarat for more than 2 decades now...