Dr Nishita Dodhia

Dr Nishita Dodhia is a qualified Homeopathic Consultant. After graduating from CMP Homeopathy Medical College, Mumbai she later obtained an MD from DKMM College, Aurangabad, specializing in Psychiatry.

Dr Nishita is a Medical Consultant at SHARAN.

Her special interest lies in nutritional science, as she strongly believes “food is thy medicine”. She loves exploring healthy food options for her patients and charting tasty but nutritional meal plans.

She has successfully treated and reversed lifestyle illnesses and many psychiatric conditions purely by modifying the patients’ diet and lifestyle.

Being a healthy vegan foodie and food connoisseur, she has tried the best vegan cuisine in several countries across the world. She tries to inspire and enlighten people about nutritional vegan eating.

At SHARAN, she conducts several awareness talks, apart from medical consultations.