Dr Varsha Shah

Dr Varsha Shah completed her MBBS from BVMC, Pune in 2001 and then trained in Paediatrics from Kashiba Children’s Hospital, Vadodara.

While treating Covid patients during the pandemic, she gained a deeper understanding of immunity as well as lifestyle-based approaches to treating chronic and other health conditions. She also understood that her years of medical training focussed only on treating symptoms and not the underlying cause. Consequently, she began researching more about lifestyle and its connection with a whole food plant based diet that would allow people to live disease-free without medicines.

Her next step was to complete the training with SHARAN on ‘Whole Plant-Based Nutrition Consultation for Doctors and Nutritionists’ followed by joining the team as a medical consultant.

Dr Varsha’s other interests include adolescent and parenting counselling. She also enjoys reading, yoga and has a spiritual pursuit.