Shraddha Saraogi

Shraddha Saraogi suffered from indigestion and vertigo for years. Alongside, her husband developed diabetes in 2019 along with his high blood pressure and cholesterol. The medicines they were taking never cured the root of the problem, but only the symptoms. And very often the side effects of the medicines were greater than what it was trying to alleviate. From this, she turned to SHARAN which introduced her to a different lifestyle involving a vegan, plant-based and whole-food diet. After switching to this lifestyle, She and her husband were free of all their medications, had high energy and felt very much at ease.

Being a seeker of health, she also practices meditation and yoga on a daily basis which helps her lead a more holistic lifestyle by connecting her spirituality with the SHARAN lifestyle. To advance her plant-based cooking skills further, she attended various vegan cooking classes in London.This refined her style of cooking to a more modern manner which is reflected in her recipes, food presentation and cooking classes which she conducts with SHARAN, for which her key ingredient is… to season with love.