Basic Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are a great, energising way to start the morning and incorporate the goodness of greens, with the sweetness of fruit.

To make a great green smoothie, mix green leaves and fruit (except fibrous fruit such as citrus fruits) in the ratio 1:2 by volume (1 part green leaves and 2 parts fruit) and blend with 1 part water. Flavourings could be added as needed (ginger, mint, lemon zest). Smoothies should not be strained. Never add vegetables (such as cucumber, broccoli and zucchini), nuts or seeds to a green smoothie. You may make a smoothie with just melons and greens, but never mix melons and other fruits in the same smoothie. You do not need to add water when using melons.

It’s best to alternate between different kinds of greens on different days – spinach, mint, coriander, celery greens, spring onion greens, bok choy, beetroot greens, basil, betel leaves, etc. Bananas, mangoes, papaya, chikoo, grapes, passionfruit and other pulpy fruits make good smoothies. You could add microgreens in smoothies to pack in more nutrients.

Here is a basic recipe.


  • 2 cups peeled, chopped and frozen ripe bananas   OR
  • 1 cup peeled, chopped and frozen banana + 1 cup chopped apple/pear/mango or ½ a pineapple/ papaya or any other pulpy fruit of your choice (total 2 cups of pulpy fruit)
  • 1 cup lightly packed down shredded green leaves
  • 1 cup water (use chilled water if using a high speed blender)
  • 1 – 2 soft dates (optional), pitted


In a blender, blend all the ingredients together (except for dates) until homogeneous and smooth. Add the dates if the smoothie is not sweet enough for you. The smoothie should be absolutely delicious. Pour into two tall glasses and enjoy!


There are 3 rules to be followed for smoothies:

  1. A smoothie should not be combined with any other food except fruit.
  2. Rotate the greens and do not stick to any one kind alone.
  3. Do not mix melons with other fruits.

Serves 1