Potato Tofu Bundle


  • 2 potatoes, baked or steamed and sliced into 1 cm thick circular slices
  • ½ a zucchini, sliced into ½ cm thick slices
  • 50 g tofu, thinly sliced
  • 2 tsp soy sauce
  • ¼ cup water
  • 4 tbsp tomato sauce
  • Unrefined salt and pepper to taste
  • Dry or crushed fresh basil leaves
  • 2 spring onion greens


Heat a pan, grill the zucchini and keep aside. In a pan, cook the slices of tofu in a mixture of the soy sauce and water and keep aside. Take a slice of the potato and place the zucchini, tofu slices, tomato sauce, salt, pepper and basil leaves on it. Cover with another slice of potato so that it resembles a potato sandwich. Hold together with a tooth pick and tie the bundle with spring onion greens so that it looks like a wrapped potato sandwich.

Serves 2 – 3