Rejuvelac – the Best Starter for Vegan Curds

Rejuvelac is the best starter for vegan curds. When you make some, you may also drink it as a health drink as it restores microbial flora and  is rich in B12; make vegan cheeses or make curds. Rejuvelac can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks and  used anytime.


  • ½ cup wheat berries (wheat grains that have not been milled)
  • 1 cup water


Wash the wheat berries and soak them in a jar in 1 cup drinking water. Leave this jar open for 24 hours in a cupboard, or keep lightly covered. In case of very cold temperatures, it could be left a little longer. Depending on the climate, it should take between 1 – 5 days. However, in India during summer, it is usually ready in one day. In the winter, it could take longer. You will know that it is ready by the colour and taste.

The water will turn pale yellow or serum coloured and will have a sweet, fermented smell. Pour this rejuvelac into a glass. If desired, another cup of water may be added to the wheat berries to produce more rejuvelac after another 24 hours. It can be consumed as is or used to make still more cheese. After 2 such uses the wheat berries are usually thrown away.