Thai Lettuce Springrolls With Peanut Satay

Photo by Karthik Ram


  • 1 head of lettuce (leaves for the cups)
  • ½ cup batonnets of red and yellow capsicum (batonnets are sticks of vegetables cut into a size roughly 6 cm x 6 mm x 6 mm)
  • ½ cup sliced tomatoes (optional)
  • ½ cup chopped unpeeled cucumbers
  • ½ cup shredded cabbage (purple or regular)

For the Tangy Peanut Sauce

  • ¾ cup roasted unpeeled peanuts
  • ⅓ cup dry date (kharek) powder
  • 2 whole roasted red chillies
  • 2 tbsp tamarind (imli) pulp
  • ½ tsp unrefined salt


Grind all the dressing ingredients together in a grinder, along with a bit of water, until you obtain a smooth dressing. Massage this into the chopped vegetables, until well mixed. Spoon some of this mixture onto each lettuce leaf and roll. Serve. Enjoy.


You may also roll all the cut veggies up in the lettuce leaf and serve with the sauce on the side, to be used as a dipping sauce.

Serves 3-4