Tofu Cutlets


  • 1 packet (200 g) tofu (frozen ahead)
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes, steamed well
  • 1 small beetroot, steamed well
  • 2 carrots, steamed well
  • ½ cup diced green beans or peas, steamed well
  • 1 green chilli and a small piece of ginger, ground together to a paste
  • Unrefined salt to taste
  • Whole wheat bread crumbs made from whole wheat bread


Remove the tofu from the packet, pour out all the water and squeeze to remove all the water from within. The texture of the tofu will change due to freezing. Crumble this and mash with the vegetables. Add salt and ginger-chilli paste and form into the shapes desired. Roll in bread crumbs and pan fry (without oil), on a cast iron griddle (tava), first on one side and then on the other, on medium-low heat, until golden brown and done.

Serve with coriander-mint chutney.

Serves 3 – 4