SHARAN 21- Day Online Diabetes Reversal Program

SHARAN’s 21 day online diabetes reversal program is a specially curated program to suit a special need. Not everyone can attend our seminars – after all they only happen in some cities. And very few people are lucky enough to attend our 21-Day Health Retreat. But we want every one to get well and we are starting with diabetes because SHARAN’s vision is a diabetes-free India. It takes 21 days to change a habit and with this 21-day online program you can do it in the comfort of your own home. All you need is to devote a half to one hour every day towards learning and practicing, and soon it will become a habit. We have videos and short texts for every day to help you learn audio visually. You will also see inspiring testimonials of people who have got better during our 21 day residential programs. And most importantly you will see differences on all levels, not just diabetes. If your family members join you in making changes not only will they be supporting you, but they too will reap the benefits!

You will also be able to track your progress in the program.

Incase you are too busy, you can extend this learning over a longer period. You have 2 choices of plans that you can purchase depending on the time you feel that you will need. And you can also purchase other materials that can help you along the way – The SHARAN Health Booklet, a recipe booklet, a journal and even a gratitude journal. What is important is to make it sustainable, learn more while you do it and enjoy it!

If you are on many medications you may find that its helpful to register for our consultations while you are on the program.

So if you are ready to dive in and join us on this journey of health, please register now.


Click on the link below to register or to see plans and prices.
