Training Programmes

SHARAN conducts two training programmes every year, one for consultants (doctors, dieticians and nutritionists) and the other for facilitators and cooking experts.

Our goal is to make teaching plant-based nutrition commercially viable for professionals who would like to do so. Our training programmes therefore include a diversity of modules that are suited to individual requirements and skills.


Only those who have attended at least one SHARAN seminar, are practicing WFPB lifestyles, have seen the benefits themselves and are committed to sharing their experience, are eligible to apply. At the end of the training programme, each participant will get a certificate and if suitable will have the option of becoming a SHARAN expert.

Information about the forthcoming training programmes is periodically sent out by mail to everyone on our mailing list. To receive this notification in time, please subscribe to our newsletter by sending an email to with the subject line ‘Newsletter Subscription’.

Training Programme details are available below.

Whole Plant-Based Nutrition Consultations Workshop for Doctors, Dieticians and Nutritionists

Whole Plant-Based Nutrition Facilitator Training Program (Online)